Ocean Consultants

Financially efficient solutions that improve your environment

What we do

Ocean Consultants has formed relationships with some of the most cutting edge technology and resources available in the marketplace today.  We work diligently to ensure our clients have exposure to products and services that provide a better environment in a financially efficient manner.


Voice over Internet Protocal (VoIP) Solutions

Our solution works with any legacy or current VoIP solution in your office.  Save money every month while gaining access to the newest technology.  

Operations Management Technology

  Quicksecond.com is an all-in-one solution for requesting and managing support services within a school or business ecosystem. We facilitate effective and efficient communication, for less.

Absentee Management Technology

SubAdvantage.com provides a safer and more efficient absence process for all stakeholders.  Substitutes have more information while managers have needed data readily available.

Energy Efficiency

HVAC Advances

Our solution provides guaranteed comfort in every room while saving money on your electric bill.  Up to 40 percent in savings!

LED Lighting

LED lighting can save over 40 percent on your electric bill and our solution offers 100% financing.  Save thousands with no money out of your pocket. 

Power Supply

Heavy users of electricity can benefit from deregulation and our prices to provide a cost savings.  

Healthier Indoor Air Quality

Our solution increases air quality while lowering HVAC usage and staying  ASHRAE 62.1 Indoor Air Quality Procedure compliant.


Bank Depository Fee Review

The banking environment is ever changing.  Most banks have increased their fees both vertically and horizontally to commercial accounts.  Our patented software, Depository Diagnostics, reviews and identifies significant savings for our clients on a 100% contingent basis. No savings, no expense. 

Let us help you improve your environment

Ocean Consultants

6 Haining Pl, Northfield NJ 08225

609.246.0247 (p)


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